sensory deprivation

Special Announcement!

Hello, everyone!  

We hope that you have enjoyed the first two and a half years (almost!) of Float OKC’s existence.  As a staff, we are very proud to say that we have facilitated well over 10,000 float sessions!  We are firm believers that floating is helping to develop a healthier and more relaxed OKC!   

When we started, there were no other float tank centers in the state of Oklahoma.  Now, there are 5 open centers, a few more planned, and one amazing research facility studying the real benefits of floating!  Not too shabby!

With that said, we are proud to announce that WE have one of those planned float centers!  That’s right, we are expanding to Norman!  We are very excited and will have plenty of updates in the coming months!  Be on the lookout for a mid-summer grand opening!

I want to offer sincere thanks for helping us make OKC a little more relaxed! We are very happy to be expanding with our passionate community of regular floaters. This has been an amazing journey and we feel very lucky to have the opportunity to provide this amazing service to the OKC community There is just something about those powerful float tanks! 

We will see you in Norman soon!


Neal, Owner